Communicate with political officials and apprise them of our political position and how relevant legislation will affect our members. This committee reviews legislation and recommends political action to protect the interests of the Board’s members and promote advocacy on their behalf.

Committee Chairperson: OPEN


Assume that the office building is properly maintained and that the environment is conducive for conducting regular meetings and social functions. Committee will set periodic intervals for thorough inspections to take preventive measures for any potential maintenance problems. Get proposals and make recommendations for building renovations, expansion, landscaping, inside and outside lighting, parking lot, building maintenance, first aid kit, and fire extinguisher, etc.

Committee Chairperson: CLOSED


Send cards, and/or flowers to sick and shut-in members, and to the immediate family of deceased members. Committee members are encouraged to visit sick members and attend funerals if possible. Acknowledges illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths in the various publications of KCNAREB.

Committee Chairperson: 


Monitor and enforce the Code of Ethics as determined by the KCNAREB. Committee must bring forth any ethics violations of members to the Board of Directors for review, endorsement, and support of the Board.

Committee Chairperson: OPEN


Committee is responsible for updating and keeping the Constitution/By-Laws current and correct. Must possess the ability to interpret and articulate the Constitution/By-Laws to members and/or outside organizations and officials whenever necessary.

Committee Chairperson: 


Determines menu for events and meetings. Makes sure there are ample members available to help serve and set up for events when food is served. Works with Budget/Finance Committee to ensure we remain within budget.

Committee Chairperson: 


Secures speakers for monthly meetings. If the speaker is not a non-profit or legislator, the committee lets the speaker know of his/her financial obligation (donation amount, meals, etc.) to present in front of the group.

Committee Chairperson: 


Works hand-in-hand with the education committee to ensure we have speakers for each meeting. Plans and executes member outings and community events. Work with fundraising and budget/finance to find opportunities for sponsors for events.

Committee Chairperson: 


Actively seeks donations and/or in-kind contributions to help support the mission of the organization. Looks for grants and sponsorships from organizations and/or government entities.

Committee Chairperson: 


Plan and coordinate the general activities for KCNAREB. These activities include but are not limited to, general board meetings. Realtists Week, community awareness programs, etc. Responsible for preparing written programs and reports, also securing speakers with needed information for Realtists.

Committee Chairperson: